ZANG TUMMM TUMB ARTICLES “the first draft of history”

Its all an act

ACT arent an act. Well they are. Theyre also a group. Well theyre a duo actually. But theyre an act too. At least they like acting. Though theyre not actors. Confused? Its all about Act.

Claudia Brucken used to be in Propaganda. Thomas Leer was a solo artist. Propaganda split, Thomas wasnt having much luck on the hit front. Theyd know each other from the day Thomas went to see a Propaganda show.

“I was always an admirer of Thomass work,” purrs Claudia. “He liked what I was doing and so we kept in touch.”

“I had concocted the idea for a sound,” continues Tom Scottishly. “It needed a female singer and who better than Claudia? After all, we suit each other so well, and were both looking to create something new!”

So far, so good. They beavered away in a darkened studio for a month or six and emerged scratching their eyes, clutching a copy of ‘Snobbery And Decay, their debut single, and Liberaces last cover. As things would have it, ‘Snobbery And Decay has a heavy Moonlighting influence.

“This is the whole principle of Act, its a performance. No one should take it that seriously, its Dynasty, glamour, that kind of thing. Those with a lesser developed sense of humour wont get it,” explains Claudia, chuckling away superiorly.

Bring on the Moonlighting. Thomas: “Our performance and look is pure Moonlighting, the tragedy and the comedy. Youre laughing one minute when David says something funny and cracks the whole office up, and the next minute youre almost crying. Its that absurdity were attracted to and interested in. It takes a bit of time to get into Moonlighting. I watched the whole of the first series and wasnt that into it, but by the second I was well away.”


Pray tell about the snobbery.

Everybody secretly fancies the glamorous life dont they?

“There probably are people who do live that life, the Dynasty life, somewhere, a small minority,” sighs Thomas wistfully. “Its the perfect life, everything is done for you and you just sit around looking great.”

“You can become blue blooded now. You just buy your title if youre into that kind of thing,” continues Claudia, a West German incidentally. “The new aristocracy wont be anything to do with the Royal Family. Itll be pop stars, film directors, and media people. Anyone in a job who can afford to get rich.”

Er, right. Decay then, people quite fancy roughing it a bit too dont they?

Thomas ‘Street Cred Leer: “Ive had that quite a lot in my life and sometimes by choice as well, so I know what its like. It does have its own kind of glamour about it as well, depravity and so on!”

Claudias seen it all too! “Ive seen quite some things I can tell you! Ive seen people sniffing glue! We have poverty too in Germany, but theres less decay because its so much cleaner that London. I think Id prefer the other one, snobbery.

“But the point is, its just playing with the idea. Thomas and me are just narrators and snobbery and decay is what we see first time around. The next single will be something else, but itll always be part of us and our world.”

On the B-side of the 12" of ‘Snobbery And Decay, theres a sterling rendition of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rices ‘Id Be Surprisingly Good For You. Acts chance to act on stage, a tribute to the Evita men?

“Well, actually its a double edged joke. We both dislike Andrew Lloyd Webber intensely. We wanted to do something from a musical, something that was crap and that we could make great. It also fitted the idea of the package,” smiles Thomas.

All a bit pretentious isnt it?

Claudia: “Of course.”

Thomas: “‘Pretentious is a very bad and misused word, theres nothing wrong with it. The only criterion is it good or bad? Pretentious is irrelevant.”

ZTT is the record label of Act. Handily Claudia is married to ZTT Big Chief Paul Morley. This means theres going to be no ‘chats in the office like this: Paul Morley: “Er, hello Act. We think youre crap, you havent sold many records, and its the Job Centre for you!”

Act: “Well sue! Well sue!”

Mrs Morley: “Believe it or not, I always wanted to stay on this label. I enjoy Pauls absurdities and provoking the media. Being married is just a coincidence and people will think otherwise, but I couldnt care less.”

Thomas: “He certainly would throw us off the label if we werent producing the goods. Wed be out on our ears I can tell you! Theres no favouritism toward Claudia.”

So, this is Act. A bit of an Act, a single thats outrageously good, and no favouritism!

Claudia: “Were not deep thinkers, were not intellectuals, were more into enjoying life!”