LOVEBUG STARSKI ‘House Rocker’ (Epic) Monster of a record: monstrous record. Coming on like a half breed mix of just about all the most exciting strands in the electronic disco, ‘House Rocker unites go go rhythm, hip hop dynamics and some mighty dirty, brawling electric guitar. It’s a record of abrupt full stops and punctuation marks. It’s a record of wonderful flowing interludes and corny chanted choruses. Take away the awful go go style rap and it’d be as near to perfection as anything’s going to get this week.
Played back to back with the Lovebug Starski record, it’s pretty clear that BAD —
Something that you could have said of ART OF NOISE (featuring Duane Eddy) —
Something you could say about SHIRLEY MURDOCK’s ‘Truth Or Dare’ (WEA), but that would be a bit cruel. Although it’s a bit of a ‘Billie Jean’ ripper, ‘Truth Or Dare’ is not actually a cover. Still, popped up and down by a variety of tasty keyboard trickery and Shirley’s sugar’n’spice vocal delivery, this is superior chart soul fodder.