The filth and the fury… has pop music gone too far?
Pop music, eh? Coo-er, it’s come in for quite a lot of “stick” over the years, and no mistake. Elvis Presley and his wriggling “legs”, The Rolling Stones and their disgraceful long hair, The Sex Pistols and their “oh-look-we’ve-been-sick-on-the-carpet” antics, Boy George and his totally girlie frocks, Frankie Goes To Hollywood and “Relax” —
So what, exactly, has got the goats of these well-heeled women? Well: “what we’re talking about,” says Tipper Gore (wife of Senator Albert Gore and co-founder of PMRC) “is a sick new strain of rock music glorifying everything from forced sex to bondage to rape.”
Pop music, through lyrics that dwell on sex and Satanism, drugs and demon alcohol, is threatening to turn the minds of children to muck and pervert a
nation’s youth, reckons the PMRC: therefore they’d like to see a ratings code introduced for records —
Quite what is signified by a “punk look” is not explained, but it has to be admitted that some of Prince’s lyrics are pretty, ahem, “frank” (“I met her in a hotel lobby/Masturbating with a magazine” he sings on “Darling Nikki” from the “Purple Rain” album).
Also cited by the PMRC as X-certificate stuff are Madonna’s “Dress You Up” and Prince protogee Vanity’s “Strap On Robby Baby”, but the majority of musical items on their list of unsuitable listening for minors are by heavy metal acts —
The PMRC have got as far as persuading the US Senate to hold hearings into the matter and whether LPs in the future will come festooned with Government Health Warning type stickers depend largely on the outcome of these. But what “good” will stickers and lyric sheets do? The moral guardians argue that they will assist parental guidance, their opponents insist that they will just draw people’s attention to matters that would otherwise go unnoticed. (Take Frankie’s “Relax” —
What nobody has mentioned in the debate so far is just who is to decide what is offensive material and what is not. Where song lyrics are concerned, doesn’t the sauciness/
So what do YOU think about it all? Britain’s Brightest Pop Magazine invites you to fill in this questionaire —