ZANG TUMMM TUMB ARTICLES “the first draft of history”



c/o BSM
56-60 Beethoven St


Born: 19 February 1963, Paddington, London

Family: Seal is one of six children (three sisters, two brothers). His mother, Joyce, who hails originally from Nigeria, is a nursing sister in a hospital. His father died when Seal was about 16

Live: South West London

Height: 6' 4"

Weight: 11 st 3lbs

First hit: Seal was the singer on Adamskis hit “Killer” which reached No 1 in May ‘90

Biggest solo hit: “Crazy” reached No 2 in Jan ‘91

Record company: ZTT


  1. Seal has three GCEs in English, Human Biology and History
  2. Before becoming a pop singer, Seal used to design leather clothes for a shop in Londons Kings Road.
  3. He has a pierced nose. It was done in Rajasthan, India.
  4. He owns a Scalextric set, but would like to have a much bigger layout.
  5. He has grandparents who hail from Brazil.
  6. Despite his love for motorbikes, his record company wont let him ride one just in case he falls off it.
  7. He once spent £10,000 on a motorbike, the most money hes ever spent in one day.
  8. He has a scar on his knee from falling off his motorbike when he was in Asia.
  9. His earliest memory is of going to see Holiday On Ice with his dad.
  10. His bedroom walls have clouds painted all over them.

“Its good being so unbelievably tall because you dont run into so much hassle with people. You tend to be able to talk your way out of things as opposed to having to resort to physical violence … Not that I would, because Im not a violent person.”