ZANG TUUMB TUM DISCOGRAPHY “…or the imagination”

Swamp thing

The swamp thing

Well the idea is that, ah, his Mama used to call him Swamp Thing because his hair was so long. And, er, he liked it because it meant a lot to him. But it made his baby green with envy, and she upped and left him. And, ah, it got so bad he really wanted her back so, er, er, he called her Angel Wings in the local swamp. Which was his kind of big nest of hair and his little abode and, er, then he gave her a big name, and he said ‘you’re my giant sized baby thing’. So she said ‘come on and swamp me’. And, er, everybody around town, ah, started to sing ‘come on and swamp me’. Because they like big swamp things. And everybody lived happily ever after.

Swamp thing
That’s what they call me, the swamp thing

Swamp thing
Swamp thing
Swamp thing

Swamp thing, is everything
He’s happy now with his giant sized baby thing

Swamp thing, they made her dance for him
They came from town to town
To see him dance his swamp thing

Everybody sing, swamp thing
Swamp thing you make everything so moody

How’s that
I want
I want you
I want you a-ha

Too fat
I know I’m sick
I want
I want you
I want you to be my baby


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the swamps, I fear no evil
To find the evilest swamp thing that ever walked through that valley
And yea, though I’m a baby, a giant sized baby
I’m the evilest baby that ever walked through that swamp

I fear no evil

Too fat
Alone I’m sad
I want
I want you
I want you a-ha

I’m fat a-ha
I want
I want you
I want you a-ha

Swamp town
They came around, around and around
Swamp town
They did a dance

Come on

Come on and swamp me
And so that town began to be called swamp thing

I’m fat a-ha
I’m fat
I want
I want you

Swamp thing
You make everything to so moody
Swamp thing
Giant sized baby thing
I’m so happy with his swamp thing
He’s singing swamp thing
The swamp thing
That’s what they call me

Swamp thing
She’s singing swamp me
His head’s longer than anybody and he knows it so he said swamp me
Swamp thing
Giant sized baby thing

You chill me
You thrill me
I love you, come on and steal me
Swamp me

She’s singing swamp thing
I’ll never leave you
You’re just too crazy
Swamp thing

Swamp thing
He’s feeling sexy
He’s made his town

Swamp thing
Swamp thing

Swamp thing
Swamp thing
Swamp thing

I love you
Come on and love you, swamp thing

Swamp thing
He loves everything

Swamp thing
Swamp thing