Radio into television; Potato into chip
Do the flip
Wax cylinder into file transfer; Orange into pip
Do the flip
Big forest tree into concert hall walls and stalls; Thirst into sip
Do the flip
Incriminating white paper into flames that flit and forget; Barbed thought into quip
Do the flip
Princess into martyr; Choir girl into hip rock chick
Do goodly two shoes into hypocrite
Do the flip
Pencil marks into sentence of death; Pointing finger into trigger click
Do the flip
Afternoon shadows into midnight chime; Shadow of a gun into mid-life crime
Do it
Do it
Arrest me — someone do it
Arrest me — someone do it
Do the flip
I want you, I want you, I want you; Desire into unzip
Do the flip
Cornflake packet into landfill site, landfill site; Love action into drip
Do the flip
Do the flip
Skirt, shirt, dress, coat and hat, patterns into garment; Fray into rip
Do the flip
Afternoon stroll into six month trip
Do the flip
Sun, sea, sangria into skinny dip; Sunshine into honey bee honey
Do the flip
Another toast, another round into public lavatory stall — vomit, piss and shit
Do the flip
Sunday into Monday; The sleep of reason into thigh-high boots, mask and whip
Do the flip
Belt into noose; Insecurity into flipping out; Bag of nails into wooden box; Insecurity into insanity slipping out
Straight man into comic; Straight man thrust up into, trussed up in a lust-jacket; Into personality split
Do the flip
Best boy into screen idol; Looking up at the stars, into face down into Sunset Strip
Do the flip
Old blue jeans, old green dress into Gee’s Bend quilt
Bed into ship on an ocean of dreams, kiss me Hardy, abandon ship, abandon ship
Do the flip
Kiss into hard prick; Kiss into wet, wet gash into swollen clit
Do the flip
The penis and the uterus; Into plastic conduit via the new surgery
All change, sex change
You can call me Mister, you can call me Miss
Do the flip
The time we spent together into memory fading; Promise into waiting, endless waiting
My ship is coming in, my ship, my ship
Do the flip
My string quartets into 808 bass drum’s glitch click, click, click
Do the flip
Sound into music; Listening in to something does that make it music
Ligeti clocks and clouds into Phil Jeck’s scratch and glitch and sniff
Do the flip
What I hear into what you see
What I am to me into what, into what you want me to be
There’s no squaring it
Do the flip
Our work into their capital
No future into bailed-out bulbous payslip; What’s my role in all of this shit
Cast a stone or sit; I’m guilty — let me sign for it
Do the flip
Irony into cynicisms
A role becomes a face that fits forever
Is there no escape
A photo-kip flip kit
A photofit kit without an undo buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer, buffer
Doctor into patient, patient into priest, into the moon beetle
Patience into priest into the Member for Lewisham East
Consider the moon beetle — aren’t we all luna-tics
Do the flip
A childhood of endless scales, arpeggios, strettos and God knows you can never ever, never ever, ever know enough theory, but it all boils down into an Abelton click
Do the flip
It’s been a pleasure to be rhyming with you but I must take a dip; An alchemical bath with somebody; To get beyond this moment to that place where there’s a glass of something bubbling waiting for a sip
I’m thirsty
Will you join me
Do the flip