ZANG TUMMM TUMB ARTICLES “the first draft of history”

Stuff + nonsense

Frankie fans have a chance to get together for a good ol moan (well, they havent had a single out for centuries!) at the First Frankie Goes To Hollywood Fan Club Convention.

Its on December 7 from 2-6pm at the Hacienda Club in Manchester and fans will be treated to some rare videos plus a chance to win “articles of clothing” belonging to the band. Non fan-club members can get in by sending £3 (cheque/postal order) to: Franktazttic Merchandising, F.G.T.H. PO Box 160, Liverpool L69 8BG. Enclose SAE and be warned — only limited number of tickets are available.

Just think, Hollys autre outfit might well be yours… arent you lucky.