Nice one!
It’s been a hell of a year for Frankie. They’ve had three number ones, a block busting debut album and a successful tour of America. But for their friends and families they topped everything with three Christmas concerts in Liverpool.
Deanne Pearson joined in the final night celebrations while John Stoddart wielded the Sureshot.
In the lads’ current catchphrase it was definitely a Nice one!
Welcome to the Pleasuredome…
The excitement hangs heavy inside Liverpool’s Royal Court Theatre, and there’s a sense of history in the making.
After topping the charts, after breaching America, after rocking the pop world, the Lads are back in town.
The stage lights up and Frankie Goes To Hollywood, backs turned and clad in riding boots and breeches, slam Into ‘War’. A roar erupts from the audience and everyone is up, out of their seats —
Liverpool says… WELCOME HOME, LADS!
“America was just a warm-up. Being back in Liverpool is a really wonderful experience,” confesses Holly, his Scouse accent running into camp American.
What follows has to be one of the most uplifting and intimate live performances of the year.
’Relax’, illustrated with a slide show on huge video screens and delivered amid a hall of smoke bombs, and ‘Power Of Love’, sung with Holly’s customary flamboyance, come early on.
Next it’s Paul Rutherford’s turn to hog the spotlight for the ambiguous ‘Krisco Kisses’. “Not many of you know what that means, do you?” Holly teases as Paul spins and thrusts, incorporating a slow strip into his sexy dance routine.
Nice one.
’The Only Star In Heaven’ and the glorious, full-throttled ‘Black Night White Light’ are followed by ‘Two Tribes’ and ‘Born To Run’, the lads donning leathers tongue-in-cheek Springsteen-style.
No one in the audience can sit still. Mark grins and waves vaguely towards the balcony where about 160 of the band’s friends and family are sitting.
The next number is a very personal tribute to the ‘Pool that Ped’s dad later confesses “brought a lump to me throat” —
A mock snowstorm envelops the band and they are pelted with crazy foam and silly string. A surprise courtesy of the road crew.
’Relax’ is demanded, and played. Again. And again, bringing a truly memorable show to a close.