ZANG TUMMM TUMB ARTICLES “the first draft of history”


Hello. good evening and welcome to the Whispers-dome. After flirting with Frankie Howerd for their tv ad, the Hollywood boys finally settled on David Frost and very good he was too…

That was the week that was for FGTH. ZTT threw an LP playback party at Sarms Studio One. There was lots of dry ice and bottles of pricey fizzy stuff. While tired and emotionless hacks sat frozen around the room the No.1 staff disgraced themselves with displays of crazy break dancing. Only Paul Rutherford attended because the others were busy packing in the ‘Pool, kissing mums, dads and girlfriends bye bye before they caught an Air Canada flight to Toronto on Sunday. Give ‘em hell Frankie!…

The lads, Paul and Holly had been holed up all week in Queen Marys College in East London rehearsing for the North American tour. The students union asked them to play a free college gig but Whispers has put very little money on this becoming a reality. And then they were in a Wandsworth railway shed filming a new video with Godley and Creme…

Incidentally, Whispers was discussing the merits of Frankies version of Dionne Warwicks song ‘San Jose. Sycophantically, we expressed our untold love for their rendition only to be informed pretty damn sharp by Paul that “its the worst thing on the album. Listen carefully and you can even hear Holly rustlin the bloody lyric sheet”…

They dont call Ruthers catman for nothing yknow…

Paul also tells us that he wants a pair of Dobermann Pinchers, bristling with studded collars and heavy chain leads. Grrrr. Perhaps thats what he bought when he went last minute shopping for the rest of the group who were in a complete panic. “Wheres me tartan socks? Whos nicked me Y.S.L. chin whiff?” You should have heard them…

At a recent interview Nick Heyward thought about smashing up his record company. He settled for punching a rubber plant, kicking over an empty cardboard box and doodling Tipp-Ex willies on Thompson Twins framed pictures. Give that man a glass of chocolate milk.

What else happened last week? Ooh, lets see. Boy Georges estate agent stitched him up by giving the Mirror the address of BGs new home, a half million pound Folly Boy George in Maida Vale. Its number 5… aha fooled you. Virgin Records say they may well take the Mirror to the press council for this…

Eurythmics Dave Stewart is Georges near neighbour now. Dave and Annie were back in town for the wedding of their manager who got hitched to Annies personal assistant Sandra. Stewart was best man…

Seems like Dave Stewart is also the best man in the life of blonde ex-Tube bombshell Leslie Ash. Poor little rich boy Rowan Atkinson has been ditched. Eurythmics start work on a new album in January at Castle Slane, only just recovering its ramparts after the ear bashing U2 gave it…

Meatloafs ‘Modern Girl video features a Princess Anne and Margaret Thatcher lookalike. The Thatcher clone was removed after they realised that a vision of our beloved PM sitting on a pile of rubble may cause offence. On yer bike. Meat has just lost five stone by the way…

The first red squirrels for 42 years have returned to Londons Regents Park. Just so they know where they are the squirrel tracking company have fitted up the little blighters with transistors. What a nutty world we all live in.

Why do they call George Michael ‘wing mirrors? Because he always has to have two conveniently placed mirrors during the filming of videos to catch every profile, thats why. Georgey Boy hasnt endeared himself to the crew who made the ‘Freedom flickette. At one point he stormed off home ‘cos his perm had fallen out. Then when he got back he complained about a set the technicians had spent all night building and made them start again. They wouldnt have minded quite so much if Michael hadnt designed the cotton pickin thing himself…

Nick Rhodes wants a radio controlled helicopter. To escape blood crazed Frankie fans? (see review on page 12) Maybe. But Nicky cant get permission to land it on the roof of his Kensington flat. That really is too bad…

A sad end for Paula Yates edible knickers. “I got hungry one night and ate them myself,” she confided to the ever diplomatic Whispers at the bash for Peter Yorks new book on style. There were billions of celebs at the Mayfair mansion style counseller York had rented, but after one glass of Sainsburys champagne Whispers felt ill and had to go home.

Nik Kershaws backing band The Krew release a solo single called ‘Paper Heroes soon.

Amongst the spangled hordes who flocked to the signing for The Young Ones Bachelor Boys book was none other than our very own Karen Swayne who thanked Rik Mayall profusely for scrawling on her tome. Mayall replied “It was a pleasure. Do you spell it with a K or a C. “Karen Swoon, as we now call her, could barely remember…

Good to see Madness (minus Suggs) backing up Feargal on Top Of The Pops. Shame about the cameramans shaking hands though…

Billy Ocean is the first ever black British artist to top the American chart. Fact.

Phil Oakey is still down his pot hole, The Bunnymen are off to Japan and Simon Le Bon! If you cant get up early enough to review the Frankie album for us how about sending it back, you little devil?…

Finally, we too know the secret of the black piano Nasher. One of ZTTs fattest cheques would no doubt guarantee our silence for several days…

Frankie Says Goo Gaa Gaa. Guess which one of the three lads this is then? Yup, its Ped aged one year old. Dig the Katharine Hamnett nappies Ped but what happened to the ‘tash?